Adrian has been playing in the Sounds since he was a young fella, moving to Havelock in 1998 and working on the water ever since. He has done his time in the forestry industry & drove barges for Johnson’s until 2020. When not working you can find him hunting or fishing, so you could say he has a pretty good knowledge of all that goes on in the area. He loves to share his knowledge & love of the Sounds and all it has to offer.
No time-table means service when you need it
Transport options in Kenepuru and Pelorus Sounds
Pickup/Drop off in Havelock
Aura 2 is a 8.2m White Pointer Sports Hardtop and is licensed for 10 passengers.
With Adrian’s vast knowledge and experience, he will be able to give you an insight into the Pelorus Sound - a place of forever-changing scenery and beauty.
There's a wide range of accommodation available in the Pelorus & Kenepuru, from the humble tent site to luxury resorts. You can sit around and relax or go out and explore. It's a paradise for artists and photographers, even when the weather is less than perfect. There's something to suit everyone.
Let Adrian show you the many moods and interesting places of the Pelorus & Kenepuru.

027 472 7200